Wednesday 29 July 2015

Fabric shopping!

After finally negotiating my slightly complicated laptop setup (actual laptop has been dying a slow lingering death for several years, I use a Chromebook for internet browsing but obviously can't upload photos through it, so every so often I schedule a fight with the dying one to get some pictures online), I have some photos to show, meaning this might actually start to feel like a proper sewing blog. First up, fabricness! I'm hoping that if I post about my fabric, it'll give me some incentive to use it. This is my haul from Fabric Land in Bristol, on my last trip home to visit my parents.

I'd never seen this before - they had a bunch of cottons with shirring already inserted, so all you need to do to make a garment is sew one seam straight up the back. My lazy self is looking forward to making the easiest maxi dress ever.

This is a purple and white cotton lawn, which I bought largely because it was called "Dark Raspberry Ice". Cotton lawn is incredibly versatile, but I'm still not sure what I want to do with this. It's quite a special print, but I'd rather make something I can actually wear rather than yet another occasion dress without an occasion.

This is a really nice lightweight burgundy jersey without too much stretch in it, and I thought it'd be a good fabric for my first attempt at a knit dress. Coming your way soon (I hope).

This is not a great photo of some really lovely pink, blue and gold butterfly-print lacquered cotton. Again, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with this. I've started making a basic little tote bag from some of it, but I'd quite like to make some kind of clothing since it's so pretty. Can you make clothes from lacquered cotton? What works?

I'm not allowed to buy any more fabric until I've got some room in my cupboard, so next time I'll show you some of the stuff I haven't used yet. Exciting times, if you're a special kind of nerd.

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